How to show hidden files on OS X

Time to time, I want to see hidden files on OS X via Finder and here is what I find on the internet to make that happen:

To make it show:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true
killall Finder

Back to default:

defaults delete AppleShowAllFiles
killall Finder

Android OS Korean MP3 Tag fix

I enjoy listening Korean Song on the Smart phones but most of the times, when I transfer MP3s onto Android OS Smart Phones, the Korean in the Mp3 Tags are all broken….

I discovered that it is cause by the MP3 Tag Version and the easy fix is to re-write the MP3 Tags with the correct(?) version.

If you re-write the MP3 Tags with ID3v2.4, the problem goes away~

I find Mp3tag is good enough and easy to use for this fix.

MP3Tag fix #1

MP3Tag Fix #2

MP3Tag Fix #3

[NAS4Free] How to replace a failing disk

I am very happy with NAS4Free server so far. Especially the ZFS is awesome!!!

I wanted to test out how easy and fast replacement of bad disk from ZFS RAIDZ2 and also wanted to test this out without reboots. I must say that it went really, really smooth!!!

Here is the procedure:

(My ZFS zpool name is “vault0”)
1. Backup all data – yeah, we say this but never do it…
2. Issue “# zpool status” command to find out the status of the pool and the bad device. In this case, the bad disk is ada2
3. zpool offline vault0 ada2
4. Remove the ada2 from the system – check dmesg
5. Insert the new replacement of ada2 – check dmesg
6. camcontrol identify ada2 – check the drive serial number to be sure
7. zpool online vault0 ada2
8. zpool replace vault0 ada2
9. zpool status
10. wait for the resilvering/rebuilding process to complete.

The best part is the step 10 runs really fast. Previously I used raidframe RAID5 with 2TB disks and comparing to zpool replace process, it is day and night difference in the speed!!!!

OpenELEC XBMC Removing a source

I have been running OpenELEC XBMC on generation 1 AppleTV with CrystalHD card and so far I like it!!!

One of the function that I time to time need is be able to remove added source with the remote but it seems that there is no way to do that – at least I do not know how.

Here is how I do it via ssh.

1. ssh into the ATV1 box
2. vi /storage/.xbmc/userdata/sources.xml and remove from theto the
3. reboot the box.

Home NAS – NetBSD

I built a home NAS server running NetBSD 5.1 back in Sep. 2010 with Gigabyte D525(Atom) with 4GB RAM and 4*2TB HDs. I configured RAIDFrame with RAID5 on 3*2TB and one hot-standby. This provided me with 4TB total usable space.

I had the root on RAID1(mirrored) raid partition and two(2) 2TB raid5 partions across 3 drives. This had worked very nicely for me hosting all of the data needed for home.

This also been my NAT box running BIND9, sshd, httpd(apache), dhcpd, ntpd, smtpd, owncloud, samba and etc.

Now it is end of 2013 and I am running out of the disk space and more importantly, I have not done any of the OS upgrade since NetBSD 5.1(now they have 6.2)

I want to upgrade the disks with at least 3TBs or even 4TBs but more than anything, I would like to run zfs filesystems with snapshot capability….

For this, I do not think that staying with NetBSD is not a good idea and the choices that I have are now narrowed down to either FreeNAS or NAS4Free….

Let’s see what happens….

Here are some configurations that I would like to save for future references:

# atactl wd0 identify
Model: ST2000DL003-9VT166, Rev: CC32, Serial #:             5YD2####
Device type: ATA, fixed
Cylinders: 16383, heads: 16, sec/track: 63, total sectors: 268435455
Device supports command queue depth of 31
Device capabilities:
        ATA standby timer values
        IORDY operation
        IORDY disabling
Device supports following standards:
ATA-4 ATA-5 ATA-6 ATA-7 
Command set support:
        READ BUFFER command (enabled)
        WRITE BUFFER command (enabled)
        Host Protected Area feature set (enabled)
        look-ahead (enabled)
        write cache (enabled)
        Power Management feature set (enabled)
        Security Mode feature set (disabled)
        SMART feature set (enabled)
        FLUSH CACHE EXT command (enabled)
        FLUSH CACHE command (enabled)
        Device Configuration Overlay feature set (enabled)
        48-bit Address feature set (enabled)
        Automatic Acoustic Management feature set (enabled)
        SET MAX security extension (disabled)
        DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command (enabled)
        World Wide name
        General Purpose Logging feature set
        SMART self-test
        SMART error logging
Serial ATA capabilities:
        1.5Gb/s signaling
        3.0Gb/s signaling
        Native Command Queuing
        PHY Event Counters
Serial ATA features:
        Device-Initiated Interface Power Managment (disabled)
        Software Settings Preservation (enabled)

# fdisk /dev/rwd0d
NetBSD disklabel disk geometry:
cylinders: 3876021, heads: 16, sectors/track: 63 (1008 sectors/cylinder)
total sectors: 3907029168
BIOS disk geometry:
cylinders: 1024, heads: 255, sectors/track: 63 (16065 sectors/cylinder)
total sectors: 3907029167
Partition table:
0: NetBSD (sysid 169)
    start 63, size 3907029105 (1907729 MB, Cyls 0-243201/80/63), Active
Bootselector disabled.
First active partition: 0

# disklabel -r /dev/wd0
type: ESDI
disk: ST2000DL003-9VT1
label: fictitious
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 16
sectors/cylinder: 1008
cylinders: 3876021
total sectors: 3907029168
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0           # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0  # microseconds
drivedata: 0 
5 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
 a:  16777216        63       RAID                     # (Cyl.      0*-  16644*)
 b: 1945125888  16777280       RAID                     # (Cyl.  16644*- 1946332*)
 c: 3907029105        63     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0*- 3876020)
 d: 3907029168         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 - 3876020)
 e: 1945125888 1961903168       RAID                     # (Cyl. 1946332*- 3876020*)

$ cat raid0.conf
# raidctl config file for /dev/rraid0d
START array
# numRow numCol numSpare
1 2 1
START disks
START spare
START layout
# sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit RAID_level_1
128 1 1 1
START queue
fifo 100
$ cat raid1.conf                                                                          
# raidctl config file for /dev/rraid1d
START array
# numRow numCol numSpare
1 3 1
START disks
START spare
START layout
# sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit RAID_level_5
64 1 1 5
START queue
fifo 100

$ cat raid0.addwedges  
newfs -O 1 -b 16k -f 4k
$ cat raid1.addwedges                                                                     
#gpt create raid1
#gpt add -b 34 -i 1 -s 4294966973 -t ufs raid1
#gpt label -i 1 -l "raid1-export1" raid1
#dkctl raid1 addwedge raid1-export1 34 4294966973 ffs
# newfs -O 2 -b 64k -f 8k /dev/rdk0

$ cat notes
# raidctl -v -C raid0.conf.start raid0
# raidctl -v -I 2011041101 raid0
# raidctl -v -i raid0
RAID and file system performance tuning 64K stripe size + 64K bsize = Optimal performce 32K stripe size + 32K bsize = very good 32K stripe size + 64K bsize = very good BAD: 64K stripe size + 16K block size + 2K frag size 64K stripe size + 32K block size + 2K frag size 32K stripe size + 16K block size + 2K frag size GOOD(3 disks RAID5): 64K stripe size + 64K block size + 4K frag size 32K stripe size + 32K block size + 4K frag size 32K stripe size + 64K block size + 8K frag size raid1 stripe size w/ 2 disks(128 1 1 1) : 64k raid5 stripe size w/ 3 disks(128 1 1 5) : 128k : bad raid5 stripe size w/ 3 disks( 64 1 1 5) : 64k raid5 stripe size w/ 3 disks( 32 1 1 5) : 32k raid5 stripe size w/ 4 disks( 64 1 1 5) : 96k : bad raid5 stripe size w/ 4 disks( 32 1 1 5) : 48k 64K MAXPHYS value - the largest amount RAIDframe will ever be handed for one IO default newfs parameter -b 16k -f 2k raid1 optimal parameter: ( 64k(128 1 1 1) + 16k block size + 2k frag size 3 disks RAID5: 64K stripe size + 64K block size + 8K frag size 32K stripe size + 32K block size + 4K frag size 32K stripe size + 64K block size + 8K frag size

Using Apple Bluetooth Keyboard on PCs

I got a few Apple Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard as gifts.  I admit it, they are nice….  I mean, they look great and the feel of the typing is also good… but my main laptop is not a Mac, it is a PC…. So I tried to use them with Windows systems…. what a pain!!!!!  I need “Del” key and “Insert” key…..  Type say that “Fn” key is my friend but they are wrong…. “AppleWirelessKeyboard” is my friend!!! Apple Bluetooth Keyboard

Creating a bootable USB Drive

Seldom, I do need to create a bootable USB Drive.

This time, I want to update the BIOS on my NAS server and the new BIOS needs to be on a “floppy” which of course, I do not have anymore(who does?)

I have a dd image of a old MS DOS bootable floppy image(1.44MB) as a file but since I do not have a floppy drive this will not do any good for me so I did some searching and find this small yet very useful software:

Rufus!!!! Worked Great!!!