Android OS Korean MP3 Tag fix

I enjoy listening Korean Song on the Smart phones but most of the times, when I transfer MP3s onto Android OS Smart Phones, the Korean in the Mp3 Tags are all broken….

I discovered that it is cause by the MP3 Tag Version and the easy fix is to re-write the MP3 Tags with the correct(?) version.

If you re-write the MP3 Tags with ID3v2.4, the problem goes away~

I find Mp3tag is good enough and easy to use for this fix.

MP3Tag fix #1

MP3Tag Fix #2

MP3Tag Fix #3

Hasselblad H3DII-39 Digital Back on H1/H2 Test

The Hasselblad H3DII-39 digital back is just awesome!!!!  and this back can be used on other large format cameras with proper adapter and firewire power supply.

Someone from was wondering if H3D digital back can be fitted on H2 body and that made me wonder… what if I supply power via Firewire onto the back, it should work!!!  So I put that into the test.



So this is the setup – H3DII-39 digital back on H2(H1 upgrade) body!  I powered the back with Firewire800 and turn the power on the H2 Body:

H3DII39onH2 - message on the back

H3DII39onH2 – message on the back

H3DII39onH2 - message on the body

H3DII39onH2 – message on the body

H3DII39onH2 - power via Firewire800

H3DII39onH2 – power via Firewire800


The outcome prove that my guess was wrong….  Either H1/H2 body is saying “I am H1/H2” to the back or the back is somehow figuring out that it is attached to H1/H2…

So the last test was to see if the H3DII-39 digital back can operate by itself:

H3DII39onH2 - Back itself

H3DII39onH2 – Back itself

Yeah, it works by itself so if it is attached to large format camera with an adapter and the sync cord, it will operate just fine.

Update 2013/02/04
I was told that actually this can do done if I cover the contacts on the back(or on the body) and use the sync cord and setting the digital back as the “view camera mode”.  I should try this out when I get a chance…


AF Focus Test Charts

I have to say that I was never happy with my Nikkor 85mm F/1.4 AF-D lens outputs.  After using it on D800E and D3, I was sure that its AF is off – back-focusing….  So I looked for some good AF Focus Test Charts on the internet and found some.

I must say that I am rather disappointed with the results of my AF testing on all of my current Nikkor lenses.  Only one lens is spot on and the rest needs some AF Tuning on the both cameras.  For some reason, they all experiences back-focusing and none with front-focusing…

AF Focus Test Chart #1


Focus Test Chart Instruction PDF


Camera Resolution Test

The new Nikon D800(E) produces 36MP shots out of the camera and I always wonder how they compare with medium format digital back(MFDB) outputs like Hasselblad H3DII-39.  In the camera world, size matters!!!  In the film world, film size matters!!!  In the digital world, the sensor size matters!!!  The question is about the 35mm format lenses.  Can they produce 36MP cable images?  I am not going to even try to answer this question.  Here are some of the charts that I use to compare/discover the resolution of the lenses and camera sensors.

Resolution Test Chart #1

Resolution Test Chart #2


Resolution Test Chart #3