[rPi] Raspberry Pi – New Toy – Installation

JP gave me a Raspberry Pi Version B with 512MB RAM.


Quick Start Guide: http://www.raspberrypi.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/quick-start-guide-v2_1.pdf

Formatting Tool: https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/

Images: http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads

I used “NOOBS (offline and network install)” iamge onto a 8GB SD Card for installation.

1. Download the SD Formatter 4.0(link above) and install
2. Insert a SD Card 4GB+
3. Run the Formatting Tool
3a. Make sure the correct drive is selected
3b. Click on the Options and select “FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT”
3c. Click OK
4. Click the Format button
5. Unzip the downloaded NOOBS image(link above)
6. Copy unzipped files(all) onto the root of the SD Card
7. Insert the SD Card in the SD Card Slot on the Raspberry Pi
8. Power up the Raspberry Pi with at least HDMI, USB Keyboard connected

By default, NOOBS will output over HDMI at your display’s preferred resolution, even if no HDMI display is connected. If you do not see any output on your HDMI display or are using the composite output, press 1, 2, 3 or 4 on your keyboard to select HDMI preferred mode, HDMI safe mode, composite PAL mode or composite NTSC mode respectively.

1. HDMI mode ­ this is the default display mode.
2. HDMI safe mode ­ select this mode if you are using the HDMI connector and cannot see anything on screen when the Pi has booted.
3. Composite PAL mode ­ select either this mode or composite NTSC mode if you are using the composite RCA video connector
4. Composite NTSC mode

[Mac/OSX] iTunes/Mail Broken Korean Fix

Yet another better/easier method:

App Language Chooser


This should set the default language to Korean on iTunes only:

defaults write -app iTunes AppleLanguages "(ko)"


On OSX with English as the default language, Korean letters will be broken on the iTunes and Mail and here is how to fix that:

defaults write $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/iTunes.app) AppleLanguages "(ko, en)"
defaults write $(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -raw /Applications/Mail.app) AppleLanguages "(ko, en)"

[NAS4Free] How to replace a failing disk

I am very happy with NAS4Free server so far. Especially the ZFS is awesome!!!

I wanted to test out how easy and fast replacement of bad disk from ZFS RAIDZ2 and also wanted to test this out without reboots. I must say that it went really, really smooth!!!

Here is the procedure:

(My ZFS zpool name is “vault0”)
1. Backup all data – yeah, we say this but never do it…
2. Issue “# zpool status” command to find out the status of the pool and the bad device. In this case, the bad disk is ada2
3. zpool offline vault0 ada2
4. Remove the ada2 from the system – check dmesg
5. Insert the new replacement of ada2 – check dmesg
6. camcontrol identify ada2 – check the drive serial number to be sure
7. zpool online vault0 ada2
8. zpool replace vault0 ada2
9. zpool status
10. wait for the resilvering/rebuilding process to complete.

The best part is the step 10 runs really fast. Previously I used raidframe RAID5 with 2TB disks and comparing to zpool replace process, it is day and night difference in the speed!!!!

Using Apple Bluetooth Keyboard on PCs

I got a few Apple Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard as gifts.  I admit it, they are nice….  I mean, they look great and the feel of the typing is also good… but my main laptop is not a Mac, it is a PC…. So I tried to use them with Windows systems…. what a pain!!!!!  I need “Del” key and “Insert” key…..  Type say that “Fn” key is my friend but they are wrong…. “AppleWirelessKeyboard” is my friend!!! http://uxsoft.cz/projects/awk Apple Bluetooth Keyboard

Creating a bootable USB Drive

Seldom, I do need to create a bootable USB Drive.

This time, I want to update the BIOS on my NAS server and the new BIOS needs to be on a “floppy” which of course, I do not have anymore(who does?)

I have a dd image of a old MS DOS bootable floppy image(1.44MB) as a file but since I do not have a floppy drive this will not do any good for me so I did some searching and find this small yet very useful software:


Rufus!!!! Worked Great!!!